In-Home Rehab

In-Home Rehab
How It Works

Due to professional, religious or personal obligations, often it is not possible for an individual to leave everything and go to a 30, 60, or 90-day inpatient program where they will not have access to phone, computer and be able to live normally. In this case, we can create the structure and professional support of an inpatient program, but within your own life.

Our Process

We build a team that creates a frame for you to live a healthier life. After our comprehensive assessment, we create a solution that will include a clinical team (psychiatrist, therapist, if you do not already have one), along with other practitioners (nutritionist, physical trainer, breath work teacher, mental health coach, dependent on your needs). This is intensive support that comes into your life and blends in where you are.


To start, we are able to medically stabilize you where you are through the detox process and then transition into a traditional treatment in your home. With the help of an addiction psychiatrist, concierge doctor and trained mental health coach we are able to implement a treatment plan which includes: administering medications, drug testing, monitoring vital signs, clearing the space of drugs/alcohol, facilitating all activities of daily living to ensure life can still go on, and being a discreet, confidential emotional support.

One of the major benefits of working in this way is getting to practice your recovery and wellness where you will always return to your home. Going away to get a reset can be great, but it is not always ideal in the end. When you return home you are confronted with your old stressors, triggers, obligations and all the things that formed part of why you were using, acting out, or not taking care of yourself to begin with.


Furthermore, if you found inpatient treatment successful, you will be responsible to recreate the support you found there only at home now. Often this is a momentous challenge when returning from a highly structured environment to one that is not. You may not know where to begin, who to contact. Your desire to stay sober or continue caring for yourself may also still be precarious, at best.

Many studies have shown that people who return from inpatient programs relapse within the first year, often sooner. Usually, this is due to lack of building structure and appropriate aftercare to support long-term recovery. Treatment is not a one-time episode that fixes everything. It is a kind of medicine, but the treatment is daily.

Long-term wellness and recovery are not easy. We are impatient and want a quick fix. If we are really smart about the investment of our time and money, we would see this as a journey, not a singular event. It took years for us to arrive at where we are, why would it take only 30 days to completely fix it? We are not cars and we are not going to a mechanic. We are dealing with challenging biological, psychological, and social elements that have shaped who we are at our core.

Furthermore, just because we are getting help and changing does not mean those around us, either in our family or at work, are doing the same work to grow.

We are going to get triggered, we are going to be challenged, we are going to need help to continue growing in the direction we want to.

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